Cosmetic Dentistry in San Francisco, CA

Confidence in your smile is essential for your self-esteem, and with our cosmetic dentistry treatments, you can achieve the smile you've always wanted. Our dentists, Amjad Kandar, DDS and Agihad Kandar, DDS, use state-of-the-art technology, advanced techniques, and outstanding customer care to deliver the highest quality, longest-lasting, and most aesthetic results, all while promoting your optimal oral health.

Here are some of the cosmetic dentistry services we offer at UNO DENTAL:

Invisalign® Orthodontic Aligners 

For straightening teeth and achieving your desired smile, Invisalign® offers a comfortable and discreet alternative to metal braces. This treatment is easier to manage, has fewer dietary restrictions, reduces discomfort, and decreases the risk of oral disease. Using a digital mapping of your mouth, custom trays adjust to fit your teeth gradually.

Wearing the trays for 20-22 hours per day is recommended, and removing them only for eating or brushing. Regular check-ups are necessary to monitor progress, and following Amjad Kandar, DDS and Agihad Kandar, DDS' aftercare plan, including wearing a retainer after treatment, is crucial for maintaining a healthy and confident smile.

Anti-Aging Injections 

Our San Francisco cosmetic dental team offers anti-aging treatments enhance your smile, rejuvenate your appearance, and even relieve conditions like TMJ/TMD. Treatment with cosmetic injections can be tailored to each patient's aesthetic goals, with no downtime or pain. Our highly trained staff, accredited by the American Academy of Facial Esthetics, ensures a precise and knowledgeable approach.

Treatment time can be as short as 15 minutes, and aftercare instructions are provided to maximize results. You can expect your treatment results to last about 3-4 months and typically, follow-up appointments are recommended.

Laser Gingival Recontouring

Are you concerned about your gum lines when you smile? Our San Francisco dental office offers laser gingival recontouring, which uses advanced dental laser technology to reshape gum tissue and eliminate uneven gum lines and "gummy smiles." This service not only enhances your smile but also promotes healthier gums. 

Professional Teeth Whitening 

At UNO DENTAL, we provide Opalescence and Zoom teeth whitening to help remove unwanted stains and discoloration caused by various factors such as dark or staining foods, tobacco use, medication, and advanced age. Our dentists offer a professional teeth whitening system that delivers rapid, safe, and effective results. You can receive it in-office, a 60-minute painless treatment, or as a take-home kit for your convenience. 

Porcelain and Composite Veneers

Porcelain and composite dental veneers are thin shells bonded to the teeth' front surface to enhance their appearance. Porcelain veneers are made of dental porcelain and custom-made to match natural teeth, providing a seamless and durable result. They are suitable for correcting cosmetic issues and are stain-resistant. Getting porcelain veneers typically involves two or three dental appointments.

Both porcelain and composite veneers require proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits to maintain their appearance and longevity. Your dentist will assess your needs and recommend the most suitable option.

Schedule Your Cosmetic Consultation

Have questions about selecting the best cosmetic dental treatments for you? Our San Francisco cosmetic dental practice offers easy, no-commitment consultations so you can learn more about your options and feel comfortable with our practice and our dentists. Schedule your consultation with UNO DENTAL today and reveal your best, brightest smile!

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