
Many of us find ourselves unexpectedly in the dentist’s chair, which may seem like an emergency. However, not all dental situations are emergencies. Knowing when it's time to see a dentist because of a dental emergency is essential in keeping your mouth healthy and free of serious complications. Here's what to know about dental emergencies...

Invisalign is a great way to straighten your teeth, but what do you do if you lose one of your aligners? This blog post will discuss what to do if you lose your Invisalign aligner. We will also provide some tips on how to prevent this from happening. Keep reading for more information! Do a...

Summertime as a child is full of outdoor opportunities, grass-stained knees, and laughter and smiles. It can also be a time when sugary lemonade and drink mixes flow like water, which means there's no better season to focus on keeping their teeth and mouth healthy than when school's out. Here are our dentists' tips for...

Are you happy with your smile? If the answer is no, you are not alone. Many men and women have something they would like to improve about their smile. Thankfully, UNO DENTAL can help! We offer a large selection of cosmetic dental procedures including Botox, Invisalign, teeth whitening, bonding and shaping, veneers, Lumineers, gum contouring,...

At UNO DENTAL, we recognize that dental care can be costly, making it prohibitive for many families on a tight budget to receive the quality care their teeth deserve. Fortunately, there’s an alternative to having dental insurance through your employer to make procedures like routine cleanings and fillings affordable for anyone, through a dental care-as-a-service...

Oral health is a crucial aspect of everyone's life, so no one should ignore it. Healthy and white teeth enhance our smiles and build one's confidence. However, a beautiful smile comes with a price. You need a dentist who will help you protect your teeth from illnesses and bacterial infections. Having a family dentist is...

There is often confusion about whether insurance will cover a cosmetic dental procedure. Today we will talk about what cosmetic dentistry is, the differences between restorative and cosmetic dental procedures and how they can impact whether insurance will pay for a procedure. What is Cosmetic Dentistry? Cosmetic dentistry is considered an elective procedure, while restorative...

We all know that winter's approach includes lower temperatures, sharp winds, and dry air-- all conditions that hurt the skin. What many people do not know is that winter conditions also adversely affect oral health. Knowing about winter oral health worries, keeping a good habit of oral hygiene and getting regular checkups at UNO DENTAL...

Preventive dentistry is the process of taking care of your teeth and mouth. This involves many different types of care, such as visiting the dentist regularly, practicing good oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing, and making sure to get regular dental checkups. It’s not enough to maintain a bright, brilliant smile, you also need...

The term "root canal" invokes thoughts of scary dental tools and feelings of terror. This is because, for a long time, root canals were notoriously painful procedures. The technology and techniques used in root canals have improved drastically, but the negative connotation of root canals persists. What is the truth about root canals? Are Root...

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